Our Process – GREENLIGHT CANADA – Vancouver LED Retrofits

Our Process


Step One
Identify Opportunity

Buildings with underground parking lots or multi-story common hallways are perfect candidates for an LED upgrade. Wherever lights are on 24/7 there are opportunities for huge savings by switching from fluorescent lights to LEDs.

Other great candidates are buildings with high power lights indoors or on exterior walls and outdoor parking lots.

Identify Opportunity

Step Two
Survey Building

In order to know exactly how much energy (and money) savings an LED upgrade will provide, we need to have a complete survey of the quantities and types of light fixtures to be retrofitted. We conduct a survey and provide a quote at no cost and no commitment.


We determine the most economical technology for the application. This includes an analysis of incentives and rebates may be available from BC Hydro.

Step FOUr
Calculate savings

We don't blindly trust that a bulb operates at its rated watts. Instead, we use a wattmeter to physically test each type of bulb and its LED replacement to get a precise understanding of the energy consumption and savings. Savings per month are calculated for each lamp by multiplying:

  1. The actual power consumption (watts) of the original fixture, minus the actual power consumption of the LED replacement, divided by 1000 to convert to kilowatts.


  2. The number of hours per month that each fixture is lit. Places that are lit at all times stand to gain the most from an energy-efficiency upgrade.

The result (kilowatt hours) can be translated into hundreds of dollars in savings each and every month. 

It's important to note that it is impossible to separate lighting from all other common area uses of electricity on an electric bill (like heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and IT systems). This is why we use testing and calculation to drive our projections, rather than working backwards from month-to-month billing.

Calculate Energy Savings
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Define Contract 

We offer two simple payment solutions. On our Pay-As-You-Save plan, you pay a fixed monthly fee which is less than the monthly cost of the electricity you'll save. Alternatively, you can choose to make one simple payment and save even more in the long term.

We can help you realize savings from Day 1 – every month of indecision lets energy, carbon, and your dollars be needlessly wasted.

Step SIX

Our team of installers handle installation from start to finish, usually completed within 45 days of signing a contract. Where required, we take out permits with local authorities. We use the services of a certified electrician to undertake any work involving wiring. We recycle all the bulbs we remove. 

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We facilitate the manufacturer's warranty on all our bulbs: 3 or 5 years depending on the technology. We provide replacement bulbs free of charge within the warranty period, and we offer support on identifying whether a bulb or ballast is at fault in an outage.